Sunday, November 16, 2008

Okay and here I am.....

Alright Chris left a week ago and things are rough. I am in Tavua right now about to go back to my village tonight. I hope things go well and i am still not alone all the time. I really need things to change for me at this point because i am getting quite discouraged. I am extremely homesick more than I have ever been. I am just trying to get thru this but I am not sure I can. I had a great time with Chris and I think he really enjoyed his visit to his first foreign country. I have tons of great stories and I would like to tell them to you thru my pictures but of course as usual I can't seem to get them on the computer. I trying to be really hopeful throughout the next few months but I just know Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be the last straw for me. I did however go snorkeling in Rakiraki this past weekend with the married couple John and Leslie and another village volunteer Natalie. Chris and I were supposed to go snorkeling but never got the chance to because I had to go to Suva on medical hold. I had some sort of red marks under the skin on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. They were so painful and burning constantly. I would scream and cry I just couldn't handle it anymore so I called the Peace Corps doctor. It was so bad Chris and I had to pretty much end our vacation and go to Suva for the last five days he was here. There was quick talk about me being medically evacuated to Australia because none of the doctors really knew what it was. But they gave me two shots and some antibiotics and in a few days it started to stop spreading and eventually stopped. But now my hands and feet are peeling. Like the skin is really just coming off completely is quite disgusting and hard to look at. I am fine now but I am a little worried about the fact that we still didn't really find out what it was. They think is was something viral which could just about be anything. I personally think its the water in the river I swim in alot and wash my clothes in. I don't know I just hope it doesn't came back again.

Anyways, I got to go snorkeling at the most amazing place ever. I first went off the shore at this beach in Rakiraki you know baby steps. And I got to see tons a fish and some coral. The water wasn't has clear though to see alot of things. But the next day we went on the boat to the outer reef where you can see some real stuff. The first jump I went with Leslie (we always snorkel in pairs you never know what could happen out there in the deep blue ocean in the middle of no where) and we saw a shark it was so cool. Of course I started swimming slowly the other way. I mean it was cool to see one but from a distance I like them. He wasn't a huge shark but a descent size. But I literally saw hundreds of different kinds of fish. It was one of the beautiful things i have ever seen. It is really like another world down there. The coral is so colorful and the water is crystal clear. I swallowed about 2 gallons of salt water but it was all worth it. I also found nemo for real this time and these huge fish that were bigger than me. The second jump I did was with John who likes to dive down and touch things which is fun to watch. i don't really like to touch things cause i don't know what they are going to do. But he is adventurous and knowledgeable about marine life. This jump saw more cool looking fish and stuff but what is most important was when we were on our way back to the shore. We ran into a group of DOLPHINS! There was at least 20 of them. It was the coolest things I have ever seen. They are really freakin fast. You could see them swimming right beside the boat then all the sudden you lost them and they are like one kilometer away in a completely different area. So we followed them for a while and watched them. They were so pretty and they were jumping and making noises. I wanted to jump in and swim with them but John jumped in and tried first but jumping in scared them away and I didn't want them to go away so i just watched. So that was my excitement this week.

I have been working on the grant proposal for the electricity this past week at the workshop and got alot of work done on it. Tomorrow I have this meeting with a FEA person in town to talk about more details and quotations. I hope all this works out cause this is the only chance of getting electricity for Waikubukubu. If this doesn't work then there is nothing I can really do for these people but to try to re-open their dispensary. Well, I am going to walk around and town and meet with people I haven't seen in a while and eat some food. i can't wait to see Sophia soon I think she is missing me for sure. I know that my phone hasn't been working for alot of people and I don't know what else to do about that. But there is another option that could work much better and much cheaper than phone cards. I don't know how many people have heard of skype but I heard it works well. You have to go to and create a account with a username and password and then it gies you directions on how it works. You basically put money on your account like 10 dollars from you bank account thru a visa or debit card or something like that and you can call me on my cellphone for about 13 cents a minute. You have to headphones and stuff cause you will be talking thru the computer to make the call. Just go to and check it out and go from there just another option from phone cards that don't seem to be constantly working. Let me know if anyone gets anywhere with this program and put up a comment to this post to help others to contact me. Thank you!


rebecca said...

Hey there stinky!
Well if you would wash your feet every now and then...
That would suck! hope your feet and hands are better.
I am glad Chris had a good time! But you got to hang in there. The time will go faster dont worry. And dont think you wont be with us this Christmas and Thanksgiving because we will all be thinking about you with every bite of mashed potatos we take.
When you eat that day just mix your food together a little bit and you will feel better.
Miss you and stay away from them sharks!

Aunt Betty said...

West Virginia Loves you!

Unknown said...

Hey girl!!! We all miss you and would LOVE to have you home but you have to try to stick out these holiday times and make sure you are really ready to go. I would hate for you to come home now and be sooo close to getting thru your "time" there :) You seem to be having a great time and you are always having an adventure!! We all think about you all the time here with your name still on the stuff the in back room :) We miss you and pray you are better. Take care!!! Clean them feet :) heehhe


Kelsey said...

I'm jealous - snorkeling!! I want to do that! Please hang in there Duffester! Holiday times are rough but just think about the lasting change you will be making in the lives of so many Fijians! I can't imagine how happy they must be to have you there.

Enjoy it and take it all in and keep showing them how Dub V rolls with the Western Ness Eggs!

Jessica (becca's friend) said...

Hello Alisha,

I have read some of your blogs and just look at all of the wonderful things that you have done to help others. I am very touched and proud of what you are doing......I know it will be tough around the Holidays. Maybe you could try to bring some of your Holiday Traditions to life for the people of the village, this might help you feel at home for the Holidays!! Keep up the good work!!! I love all of the pictures, I am glad Rebecca gave me the address......Hang in there!